n°5 – April 19, Theater, Video

The Demarco Archive. The poetics of Space and the Artist as an Explorer

1975. Ben Vautier consulta la mappa di Edinburgh Arts 1975, Nizza. Courtesy of Demarco European Art Foundation & Demarco Digital Archive, University of Dundee.


The Demarco Archive is a cultural institution characterized by a complex profile. The unstoppable dynamism of its founder, Richard Demarco, and the dense network of artistic events he organized against the backdrop of the historic Edinburgh International Festival make slippery any attempt at a definition; placing it within precise geographical and disciplinary limits would in fact risk offering a partial idea of it. The objective of this article is therefore to propose a possible reading through two conceptual nodes: the journey, intended as the discovery of the 'spirit of the place' (genius loci), and the role of the artist as explorer. Both are the points on which Demarco for over fifty years has oriented his career as a teacher, impresario, curator and artist. Undertaking this direction will allow us to touch some of the main initiatives of the archive, such as Strategy-Get Arts and Edinburgh Arts Journey, and to retrace the political, aesthetic, philosophical and pedagogical credo of its founder, whose goal is to re-establish a relationship between ethics and aesthetics as well as restoring the original regenerative function of art.

This article is available in ITA.


È dottoranda presso l’Università di Ginevra con un progetto di ricerca sulla politica dello spazio nelle arti teatrali e performative contemporanee (La Politique de l’espace. Site-Specific Performance: le théâtre sans le théâtre. De Tadeusz Kantor à Mike Pearson). Ha conseguito la Laurea Magistrale in Pittura presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma e in Storia dell’Arte presso l’Università la Sapienza. A Roma ha lavorato come curatore e assistente curatore, occupandosi in modo particolare di progetti site-specific finalizzati a indagare la performatività dello spazio e i processi di percezione e partecipazione che ne derivano. Avendo vissuto per alcuni anni a Manchester (Regno Unito) ha collaborato con diverse istituzioni e gallerie all’organizzazione di eventi performativi, come Cleaning Condition di Suzanne Lacy (Manchester Art Gallery). Ha pubblicato su riviste nazionali e internazionali (Mimesis Journal, Alfabeta2, Akenaton-docks, Scene Contemporanee, etc.). Attualmente in Svizzera, come Regional Managing Editor, cura una rubrica di teatro contemporaneo e performance art per la rivista americana The Theatre Times.