Biannual webzine of Theater, Video and Sound | ISSN 2532-3830 | doi: 10.47109/0102
Dmitriy Volček, chief editor of the website of the broadcaster Radio Svoboda. In 1987-1989 he worked as a cultural editor for the magazine “Glasnost”. Since 1988 he has started working with Radio Svoboda (in the Moscow and Munich offices and, since 1995, in that of Prague) of which he is currently editor of the Culture sector and host of the saturday program “Weekly Summary”. Writer and poet, as well as journalist, he was born in Petersburg in 1964 and began to publish his writings in samizdat (clandestine publications in the Soviet period). Author of several books of prose and verse compositions, he has also edited translations and editions in Russia by W. Borroughs, F. O’Connor, G. Davenport, K. Acker, P. Bowles and other English and American authors.