translated from Italian by Thomas Haskell Simpson
Sciami|ricerche is an online journal that examines, in their specificity and interdependence, three realms of study which have no established disciplinary collocation: 1) Vocality and sound as dramaturgical devices in theatrical spectacle, performance art, video art, installation and multimedia art; Digital and electronic arts, including their application in the field of live spectacle (performative arts, digital performance, live music); 3) Theater as dramaturgy and spectacle, and the practice of these internationally.
Sciami|ricerche is animated by certain urgent needs: to plumb, expose, and shine a light on stereotypes, fashionable opinions, and dominant trends of thought, pursuing an innate physiological and minority vocation against power, authoritarianism, hierarchies, verticality, administrative-bureaucratic presumption, binary oppositions, forced alternatives, and the principle of reality.
Sciami |ricerche privileges shadow and liminal zones, no-man’s-lands, non-belonging, undecidability, non-discernability, multiple perspectives, the wisdom of uncertainty, risking paths unmarked on maps. It listens for cries of help… and follows the tracks of the lost.
Sciami|ricerche is a bi-annual, self-produced magazine nourished by international scholars and artists who don’t necessarily inhabit the same geographic-academic-disciplinary territory.
Sciami|ricerche intends to provide space for young scholars, those who conduct research in unprecedented formats, from partial points of view, staking out positions of impassioned detachment. We pursue those who feel the urgent need of responsibility and judiciousness, who imagine unseen paths, and are driven by the objective challenges faced by whoever lives and practices these disciplines.