Biannual webzine of Theater, Video and Sound | ISSN 2532-3830 | doi: 10.47109/0102
Helga Finter is since 1991 professor at the Institut fuer Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft (Institute for Applied Theatre Studies) at the University of Giessen, Germany. She has published widely on subjectivity, voice, and gender in avantgarde theatre and performance. She is the author of Semiotik des Avantgarde-Textes (Stuttgart, 1980) on Italian Futurist Poetry and of Der subjektive Raum (2 vols.) on Mallarmé, Jarry, Roussel and Artaud (Tuebingen, 1990) and has edited with Georg Maag Die Schrift und das Unmögliche: Bataille lesen (Fink, 1992), and together with Gabriele Brandstetter and Markus Wessendorf Grenzgänge. Theater und die anderen Künste (Narr, 1998). Her last published essays in English and French are "Artaud and the Impossible Theatre" in The Drama Review, 41,4,1997, "Le Livre de Mallarmé ou le rite du Livre" in Perspectives, Revue de l'Université Hebraique de Jérusalem, 4, 1997, "The Body and Its Doubles: On the (De-)Construction of Femininity on Stage in Women & Performance 9, 2 (1997) and "Primo Levi's stage version of "Se questo è un uomo" in Staging the Holocaust, Cambridge University Press (1998). Furthermore she is editress of the series theaomai - Studien zu den performativen Künsten published by Peter Lang, Frankfurt and contributing editor to New Theatre Quarterly.