n°6 – October 19, Video

Beyond the video, towards the video. Art and artificial intelligence

Donato Piccolo, «Leonardo sogna le nuvole», 2014


The paper aim at investigating the artistic practices linked to the latest developments in artificial intelligence. From one hand, the paper shows how the role of artists within technological development processes is neither secondary nor marginal, but that instead represents an engine for technological innovation. On the other hand, the idea of artificial intelligence is connected to those practices which, rather than uncritically taking up these themes, try to investigate the meanings, the new relationships and the reflections opened by the advent of these areas. After an introduction section, the concept of videoart will be reread from the point of view of the latest development in AI showing the polymorph nature of the concept. The analysis of the artistic practice will be developed not only from the point of view of technics and languages, but also showing how a new trend of artists, using AI technologies, are leading a new ecological vision, a postanthropocentric vision of the human being.

This article is available in ITA.


I am a scholar and contemporary art curator specialised in the analysis of the relationship of artists with new technologies and media. Currently I am the director of the Art Section of the "Maker Faire-The European Edition", the biggest event on creativity and innovation in Italy.
My work is structured on two lines: researching, writing, teching, and curating contemporary art, working as artistic director.
I have always thought that artists can be important not only for the contemporary art world, but for society and innovation. On this basis I have founded and directed the Rome Media Art Festival (which took place at MAXXI Museum) along with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. For the Fondazione I have also been the Art Project coordinator.
I still think that the curatoriali practice should be combined with a strong research. For that I received a Ph.D. from the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts - University of Roma Tre, and I have been Ph.D. visiting at ZKM-Center for Arts and Media (Karlsruhe, Germany), University of Dundee (Scotland), Tate Modern (London). I have also been part time postdoc research fellow at University of Roma Tre.
As indipendent curator, I am curating the Kunstraum Goethe (the art space of the Goethe institut Rom). I have also curated exhibitions in important museum and private Galleries such as Hermitage (San Petersburg), Minnesota Street Project (San Francisco), New York Media Center, Stelline (Milano), MAXXI Museum (Rome), Palazzo delle Esposizioni (Rome), Ca Foscari (Venice) among others.
I am the author of the book Media Art. Prospettive delle arti verso il XXI secolo. Storie, teorie, preservazione (Mimesis, 2016) and the book The artist as Inventor (Rowman & Littlefiled, 2019)