n°6 – October 19, Video

A supposition for a prehistory of video and multimedia installations (in Italy)

Marinella Pirelli, «Film Ambiente», 1968-69 (versione 2004), ferro, acciaio, legno, materiale plastico, immagini in movimento, suono. Veduta dell’installazione presso la mostra «Luce Movimento. Il Cinema Sperimentale di Marinella Pirelli», Museo del Novecento, Milano. Foto Lorenzo Palmieri, Courtesy Archivio Marinella Pirelli.


We need to examine the interferences that flow in the territory of videoart, for the very inter-media nature of these practices, especially in those periods when videoartistic aesthetics has not settled down yet.
In this study, A supposition for a prehistory of video installations we are reconstructing possible layouts that could be numbered among the experimentations off the screen of the so-called expanded cinema, an example of which is Marinella Pirelli’s Film Ambiente (1968-69); the space variously declined by Gianni Colombo ( After Structures, 1966-67) and by Davide Boriani (Camera Stroboscopica Multidimensionale, 1965-67), as well as the performance art and the intermedia.

This article is available in ITA.


Full professor of Performance Studies and New Media in the Performing Arts Department of the Università "La Sapienza" in Rome, the city's principal university, where she serves as Director of the Centro Teatro Ateneo, a research center on performing arts.