Biannual webzine of Theater, Video and Sound | ISSN 2532-3830 | doi: 10.47109/0102
Paola Lagonigro (1984) is PhD and assistant to the chair of History of Contemporary Art at Sapienza Università di Roma. Her research focused on Italian electronic art of the 1980s, its exhibition methods ("Ricerche di S/Confine" 2018) and circulation in television ("Piano b" 2019). Her studies are currently focused on Italian computer art and its links with scientific knowledge and artistic tradition (S. Bordini, F. Gallo (ed.), All’alba dell’arte digitale. Il Festival Arte Elettronica di Camerino, Mimesis 2018; «Arabeschi» 2019; A, Bertuzzi, M. Rossi, G. Pollini (eds.), In Corso d’Opera 3, Campisano 2019). She currently works as art historian for the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali in Rome.