Biannual webzine of Theater, Video and Sound | ISSN 2532-3830 | doi: 10.47109/0102

The performing arts – the territory in which we operate with Sciami|ricerche – is a field in which the social and artistic share a space, in which a community finds itself together in a perceptive, acoustic, visual, tactile experience. If it is true that Walter Benjamin’s assumption that the new “collective innervations” of the sensory organs can open up very powerful processes of liberation – starting from the pre-eminence of cooperation, horizontality, connections – then the performative artistic action can bring about act a collective practice that undermines (or affirms) apparatuses and ideologies, provided that artistic and political dramaturgies mutually feed and interact.

Valentina Valentini, Opera and ideologies
Giulia Palladini, On coexisting, mending and imagining: notes on the domestics of performance
Günther Heeg, Capitalism / feelings. Anachronism and utopia in the Threepenny Opera
Anna Serlenga, Mouvma! Performing arts and resistances in post-2011 Tunisia
Giada Cipollone, Art, theater, performativity, feminism in Agnese De Donato’s photography
Daniele Vergni, Discussions and conferences as performances in the seventies
Mauro Petruzziello, Re-imagining with sound: Commedia dell’Inferno by Federico Tiezzi and Inferno by Romeo Castellucci
Conversation of Emanuele Dileone with Luigi Viola, Who is Luigi Viola?
Flavia Dalila D’Amico and Daniele Vergni, Atlas: Spaces of the voice, a cartography to be invented