n°2 – October 17, Theater

The Chorus as Negated Subject and the Eternal Conflict with the Individual in the Theater of Einar Schleef

Premiere of Sportstück, 1998 at the Burgtheater in Vienna. Photo by Andreas Pohlmann


The paper aims to outline one of the fundamental figures in the theatrical aesthetic of Einar Schleef: the choir as removed protagonist of the tragic conflict. Starting from a description of choir as “pestiferous mass”, feared and therefore emarginated (as Schleef defines it in his controversial essay Droge Faust Parsifal), the article depicts the ambiguous and insolvable struggle between illusionary individual and failed community. A topic strongly pointed out in three significant productions: Goetz von Berlichingen by Johann W. Goethe, Vor Sonnenaufgang by Gerhart Hauptmann e Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti by Bertolt Brecht.

This article is available in: ITA


was born in Rome, where she studied German Literature at the Roma Tre University, graduating with a thesis on the theater of the German dramatist Dea Loher. He has just completed a Ph.D. in German and Theater Sciences at the Universities of Trieste and Lipsia.